Firefox has an extension now that can even block google adsense. This worries me because the only revenue I get to my site is from google adsense. Using it would force me to charge a membership fee or take $150 a month out of my own pocket.
It's nice as a user, it's bad as the webmaster.
Antispam hurting websites. Removes google adsense?antispyware
It's unfotunate, because ad revenue is obviously what makes a lot of small beneficial sites possible. I don't mind legitimate adds only malicious popups and scripts. I think there will be a backlash against some of the ad removing technology as it also blocks legitaimate content and requires technical saavy to tweakit. A good example is that without a serious tweaking effort, the Yahoo maps beta would not work with Noron Internet security. if the internet is to survive and be useful, we will have to come up with a bettery solution.
Antispam hurting websites. Removes google adsense?best antivirus software
Google is the very best search engine of the planet, by now... but If you earn money through google adsense, come on dude pay the thing!, if not ...use a regular search engine as yahoo as well...
A good example is that without how to block spam a serious tweaking effort, the Yahoo maps beta would not work with Noron Internet security.