Monday, August 17, 2009

Please help me!!!?

when i maximise the norton internet security window from the system tray, and i click on the anti-spam window it says "system status: refreshing". the screen stays like this but it doesnt refresh it. the anti-spam function therefore doesnt work. when i click 'turn on' an eroor comes up saying "unspecified error. : res//program files\common files\symantec shared\antispam\nasplug.dll\ 1066". the symantec website said i should reinstall the program. i did this but the problem still occurs. how do i fix this? please help me please!!

Please help me!!!?internet security

Ask Norton, for help.

Please help me!!!?network security

I had a trojan one time that actually disabled and deleted files that my anit-virus and spyware programs needed to run. Make sure your PC isn't infected with something.
The "res" before the file name would indicate that it is not properly registering the file it is attempting to access. Are you an administator on your PC? If not, try running the install with the administrator account.

If that does not work, try completely uninstalling the program, and do a reinstall, but when it gets to where it ask you were you want to install the program, change the name of the directory. (Add a "1" to the end or something. This will force it to have to reregister all the files because their location will have changed. That often resolves this kind of install issue.
I think you should go to start%26gt;setting%26gt;control panel%26gt; add and remove...%26gt; remove norton completely from your computer and install the new version. hope this may help

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